
ALICE Week 2023 (10 - 14 July)
On 12 July 2023, the ALICE collaboration celebrated its PhD thesis award winners in a special function organised as a part of the ALICE week collaboration meeting at CERN. The winners are:
- Dr. Rita Sadek (Laboratoire Subatech, France) for the thesis on “MFT commissioning and preparation for Run 3 data analysis with ALICE (LHC, CERN)”. Rita is now a PostDoc with the LHCb collaboration at LLR Palaiseau.
- Dr. Luuk Vermunt (Utrecht University, Netherlands) for the thesis on “Hadronisation of heavy quarks; production measurements of heavy-flavour hadrons from small to large collision systems”. Luuk is now a PostDoc with ALICE at GSI Darmstadt).
Congratulations to the winners!
ALICE Week 2023 (10 - 14 July)
ALICE collaboration week is being held at CERN from 10 to 14 July 2023. The focus of this week is on the preparation and readiness for the upcoming heavy-ion run and the preparation of the Quark Matter 2023 conference.
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