CERN offers a unique environment for training – a rich and stimulating melting pot of people and ideas giving its young people an exceptional opportunity to hone their communication and analytical skills.
Details of CERN's programs can be found in the link: "Train, educate and engage".
ALICE is a member of the IPPOG Collaboration, the International Particle Physics Outreach Group. IPPOG is a network of scientists, science educators and communication specialists working accross the globe in informal science education and outreach for particle physics.
IPPOG's goal is to bring new discoveries in this exciting field to young people and to convey to public that the beauty of nature is indeed becoming understandable from the interactions of its most fundamental parts - the elementary particles.
The IPPOG collaboration comprises 39 members (32 countries, 6 experiments and CERN as an international laboratory) and 2 associate members.

The flagship activity of IPPOG is the International Masterclasses in Particle Physics. This is a very successful hands-on activity, addressed to high-school students, aiming to introduce them to the world of research, inspire and motivate them.
Each year, more than 13.000 high school students in 60 countries are invited to one of about 225 nearby universities or research centers for a day of immersion in particle physics. They follow lectures on elementary particles and their interactions, on accelerators, detectors and experimental methods and they perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of each day, similarly to international research collaborations, they participate in a video conference for discussion of their results.
The International Masterclasses are held each year during a period of six weeks, typically between February and April.
ALICE institutes participate in the International Masterclasses programme with two measurements:
ALICE Masterclass: Looking for strange particles
ALICE Masterclass: The Nuclear Suppression Factor